Friday, October 3, 2008

Yep, like a thought...there's a group (or more) out there. I decided that if I ever have to write a thesis for graduate school, I'll write it on the fact that procrastination should be considered a mental illness because it is almost as debilitating as depression and anxiety. I should know. I suffer from all 3. Maybe I should join this group. Maybe I should talk to my doctor about it? Nah. People think it's just laziness (and probably a lot of it truly is). I wonder if I could write a book about procrastinating. I bought a book at Barnes and Noble the other day, well, it was a planner, but it is titled, "Do It Later!" A 2009 Planner (or Non-Planner) for the Creative Procrastinator.

What I really like about it is the fact that I used to use my planner in high school (and I guess I still do this with my college planner, just not as much) as a doodle pad, a note pad, a thought pad, a brainstorming pad, (and yes, some planning was also done in it). This planner I bought even has doodle space in it! This planner was meant for me. Too bad I can't start using it until January.

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